FuckYouMoney(FYM) is an ERC-20 token that allows you to participate on ListOfShame.io.
Anyone can add a list item by spending FYM which is then distributed to all users who vote on that item by allocating FYM. Do you agree or disagree with inclusion of someone or something on ListOfShame.io? If so, you can also participiate by allocating your FYM to either Ally with the author or Oppose them to raise or lower an item on ListOfShame.io respectively. When you allocate, you get to keep your FYM in your wallet while you earn on it, so it's always encouraged to allocate! Everything is maintained on the blockchain itself, for all to see. ListOfShame.io is merely an interface to view the blockchain data and interact with it.
Anyone can view the information at ListOfShame.io, and if you have browser based wallet software such as Metamask, you can easily interact with ListOfShame.io.
Use the Contract button below to find the FYM contract address on Polygonscan, and add FYM as a custom token to your wallet.
Disclaimer: This list is not to be taken seriously. It is the musings of random internet folk interacting with smart contracts, and is for entertainment purposes only.